Was interesting to find that George Orwell ranks quite highly on the list of revered and illustrious “men behaving badly” which includes, among many other historical giants, Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. and Pablo Picasso to name but a small fraction 🤔😈 ...... not all greatness comes from the minds or hands of angels 😇

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Point well made 🥂😁

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Also forgot to mention that I purchased both “1984” AND “Brave New World” last year! 🤔😳(in Kindle format) ..... it having been several (quite a few actually🫣) decades since first read

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Any chance you’ll start soon?

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Piaget article is a VERY thinly veiled version of what is now termed an (PAID) “advertorial”! 👿🥴🙄

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....😳...iPhone alarm link? Missing or is my iPad fubar? Warren Buffet! ☝🏻

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iPhone alarm is the video above the text. No link, just the video.

Agree on the Piaget thing. What a joke

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YouTube video link wasn’t showing up when I sent comments 😲.... for some reason....now it is! 🤗

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