Well researched and laid out series of posts that I found quite engaging and much that was fascinating plus much also that was very validating (not having previously seen certain connections made in writing but having considered and pondered them in the same context myself)

The link to mimetic conflict was an especially enjoyable side road!

I’m glad to have finally made the time to finish the trio.

Chapeau! 🎩

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Glad you found the time, always appreciated 😃🫡

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Schadenfreude is an interesting one but also requires some more nuance perhaps. As Envy is certainly not the only driver/predictor of Schadenfreude.

Sometimes Schadenfreude is more about Justice and Fairness being served or an 'I told you so' (my personal favourite and main driver of my schadenfreude).

It may also be experienced seeing a competitor/rival fail, especially if it gives you an advantage.

And sometimes it's simply entertainment; someone slipping on a banana has nothing to do with Envy of course but is still funny to many somehow (as evident by the many fail compilations on YT).

Sometimes witnessing others' misfortunes can be cathartic as well, to release some own surpressed feelings or frustrations or normalise the failure. We can laugh about it and realise we all fail or make mistakes sometimes. I believe it's a quite natural response but it can certainly be indicative of some internal emotions such as envy, bitterness, negativity or a lack of empathy. Awareness is the key, but also identifying exactly what is driving the Schadenfreude!

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I think it all comes back to status, and relative status levelling.

"I told you so" is a form of increasing your own status over another... same with pleasure in a rival's failure... and even slipping on a banana is a personal status boost because people revel in knowing "they are not so silly, and would never do something so silly"... so it is nice to know there are people more silly out there. Same issue of status, just a different label.

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Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath

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Facts 😬

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